Sunday, January 3, 2010

Names with pretty meanings

I know a lot of people look for names with specific meanings, particularly for girls. Here are some names with great meanings:

Carys: (Care-iss) Welsh, means "Love".

Kerensa - (ker-en-sa) Cornish, means "love"

Imani - (Im-ahn-ee) Swahili, means "Faith"

Aisling - (Ash-lin) Irish, "Dream"

Veda - (vay - da, though I could be wrong), Indian , "Knowledge"

Indira - (In-deer-ah) Indian, means "beauty"

Shira - (sheer-ah) Hebrew, means "song"

Luna - (loon-ah) Latin, means "moon"

Rhian - (rhee-ahn, though I'm not positive, it would be different with an English accent) Welsh, means "Maiden"

Linnea - (lin-aya) Swedish, it's the name of a small, pink flower.

Laelia - Lay-lee-ah), Roman, but is also the name of a flower in South America.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, there are quite a few favourites of mine on here, and I didn't realize how beautiful some of the meanings are! Carys, Kerensa and Indira are so gorgeous.
